Acne Aestivalis is not Malassezia Folliculitis

Acne Aestivalis is not Malassezia Folliculitis

Can’t cure acne? Is it acne from fungus or not? or having acne. Do you have to use fungicide?
Both of them are different!!! Regardless of the cause and how to treat it, we want to separate the causes for everyone to understand first.

Acne Aestivalis: Caused by irritation, this is an inflammatory process of the skin. After being stimulated by irritation, whether it’s cosmetics, pollution, PM2.5, including the fungus P. ovale

Can’t cure acne? Is it acne from fungus or not? or having acne. Do you have to use fungicide?
Both of them are different!!! Regardless of the cause and how to treat it, we want to separate the causes for everyone to understand first.

Acne Aestivalis: Caused by irritation, this is an inflammatory process of the skin. After being stimulated by irritation, whether it’s cosmetics, pollution, PM2.5, and the fungus P. ovale (Having Acne Aestivalis is related to acne!!!)

There are many variations, including a red appearance.
Acne can be noticed quickly after touching the substance.
This is related to hot weather, sweat, heat, playing sports, pollution, skincare allergies, Vigorous face washing, and skincare that irritates the skin.

Treatment: very simple, just stop using skincare or makeup that can cause inflammation.

Medicine: Vitamin A

Skincare: Moisturizer with ingredients that reduce inflammation (niacinamide, panthenol,Camomile extract). Also, stop using products with high base acid.  

Malassezia Folliculitis

Well, this is not considered acne. Malassezia Folliculitis is a fungal infection in the hair follicle, resulting in small acne, but not for everyone.
The acne appearance is small and looks like a clear water blister. Acne is also found in other areas, such as the chest and back.

There is also itching associated with dampness, long history of using antibiotics, whether topical (ClindaM) or oral (doxycycline), antibiotics, or steroid use.
Taking antibiotics doesn’t help much for Malassezia Folliculitis because they kill bacteria but are not suitable for fungus.

Treatment: use fungicide and visit the doctor for diagnosis

Medicine: Ketoconazole
Skincare: Products containing sulfur

Here are all the details everyone, because Acne Aestivalis is not Malassezia Folliculitis. Acne Aestivalis without the use of fungicides can be cured. Just stop losing these medicals and use products that help soothe the skin from irritation.

For those with Malassezia Folliculitis, we recommend visiting the doctor for treatment because using fungicides themselves have side effects. Therefore, we must be confident before using products or treatments. 

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