Get to know different types of acne!

Get to know different types of acne!

There are 2 types of acne that should be observed and separated for practical handling. 

1. Great acne (Purging)
It is acne from using a helper such as a skin cell renewal group or accelerating the cell renewal process.
Therefore, you should select skincare that suits skin problems such as clogging, oily skin, and choose BHA or acne purging under the skin. You may use the Vitamin A group, and the duration will be different for 2-4 weeks. This active ingredient will help clear pores, unclogged hair, and smooth skin.

2. Bad acne (Breakouts)
The rise of acne that caused by negative factors such as dust, pollution, excess oil, or internal factors that cause acne. Acne often negatively affects the skin in the short and long term and may cause enlarged pores and dermatitis. If left breakouts for a long time, the skin layer will be damaged and spread bacteria that can cause acne.

No matter what kind of acne, “things that must not be ignored” is #moisturizer that the skin needs. Without a moisturizer, no matter what form of acne, it can worsen our skin!


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