How can we stop recurring acne?

How can we stop recurring acne?

Recurring acne is a sign “That our skin is not healthy”. Therefore, preventing the recurrence of acne is key. What kind of solution will it be, let’s see?
Should we always remove acne or exfoliate the skin more often??? The method is not complicated and does not require any additional steps.

The starting point.. of the problem is ineffective acne treatment. You just need to have basic skincare with you.

1.Improve skin with basic skincare.
: For the skin to receive complete initial care and balance as much as possible. 

2.Add a helper to clear acne, such as an acne patch & active / acne medicine.
: To clear acne according to the type of acne, and must be patient with this step.

3.Refrain from repeating the behavior of pressing-unwrapping-squeezing acne.
: It is the main factor that causes acne to recur, including spreading acne, infection risk, and more acne in the surrounding area.


Cure acne at the right spot before other problems happen.
Therefore, “maintain the acne treatment as much as necessary. Focusing on the source,” and we won’t have to keep treating acne repeatedly.


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