Throughout the day passed, what kind of skincare is suitable for you?

Throughout the day passed, what kind of skincare is suitable for you?

“At School age – working age” Did you know that different skincare affects skin condition?

Emphasize on your skin every day because your skin is always changing.

School age
: Even though the weather is the same every day, at school age, hormones have changed, which can cause skin problems like acne, dull and not bright skin.

: The solution is to select essential skincare, including moisturizer that emphasizes restoring the skin at night along with enough sleep, and focusing on moderate hydration. Besides, it emphasizes long-lasting sunscreen to avoid applying skincare during the day (Avoid sun exposure).

Working age
: Skin condition will repair itself more slowly due to aging, making the skin look dull, resulting in wrinkles due to skin that produces less collagen and different weather conditions.

: The solution is to supplement what the skin is missing, such as adding a group to enhance the skin layer to stimulate more collagen. For example, at night, small active molecules fix specific spots and moisturizers that enhance the skin layer. In the morning, you can use a moisturizer, Vitamin C, and sunscreen to enhance antioxidants.


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